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Who Benefits from Getting Dental Veneers?

There are a number of dental abnormalities and damage that can’t be addressed with a routine cleaning. In cases in which procedures like whitening can’t fix a dental issue, veneers Winter Park might be the solution you need. If you are looking to correct staining or minor tooth damage with a relatively non-invasive procedure, here at Dapper Dental you can rely on our signature high quality dental care to bring you dental veneers.

What Should I Know About Veneers?

What are Veneers?

Veneers are plastic shells made out of porcelain or some other composite materials that are molded and colored to fit the natural aesthetic of your teeth. The procedure requires that the dentist prepare your tooth by reshaping the surface (by shaving of the tooth enamel) to fit the veneer so that its flush with the rest of your teeth. Then they will take impressions of your teeth to make the veneers that will be permanently bonded to your teeth. 

Do I Need Veneers?

If you have suffered dental trauma, fluorosis, staining by medication, dietary choices, or tobacco use, you might require a more involved treatment option than traditional whitening, in these cases, veneers Winter Park might be the right choice for you. Veneers are particularly effective against persistent stains induced by chemicals or the adverse effects of tooth decay. Contact your dentist to find out if veneers can address your particular dental issue.

Benefits of Dental Veneers

Veneers are a very versatile treatment option that can help correct a wide range of imperfections. Some of the many benefits of veneers include:

  • Corrects Misaligned Teeth
  • Fixes a Chipped or Broken Tooth 
  • Restores Coloration
  • Improves Self Esteem

Need Dental Veneers Winter Park?

For decades, dentists have relied on veneers as one of the most effective methods of enhancing smiles. If you are tired of hiding your teeth because you are embarrassed by pesky stains or imperfections, reach out to our office to discuss your options. Don’t wait to regain the confidence in your smile and contact Dapper Dental today!

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Thursday:  8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Friday:  8:00AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday:  By Appointment
Sunday:  Closed