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The Difference Between Regular Teeth Cleaning and Deep Cleaning

When was the last time you had regular teeth cleaning? The American Dental Association recommends that adults visit the dentist for routine exams and cleaning at least twice a year. If it’s been ages since your last dental visit at Winter Park, there’s a perfect chance that your teeth will need a deep cleaning treatment.

Knowing the Difference Between Regular Teeth Cleaning Deep Cleaning

Regular Teeth Cleaning

This treatment is performed during your bi-annual visits to the dentist. During the procedure, the dentist removes the plaque and tartar between your teeth and gums that may have accumulated between regular teeth cleanings. While regular brushing and flossing can help maintain healthy teeth and gums, they won’t be enough to keep bacteria at bay without regular teeth cleaning.

Deep Cleaning

Also known as scaling and root planing, deep cleaning is recommended for patients who haven’t had regular teeth cleaning done in quite a while, and the buildup of plaque and tartar have gone from bad to worse. When a person has gum disease, pockets usually form in the gums. Without deep cleaning, this could lead to serious oral health problems, including tooth loss. However, if deep cleaning treatment is promptly performed, the progression of gum disease would be reversed.

The removal of plaque and tartar from the gum pockets is called scaling. On the other hand, root planing refers to removing plaque and tartar from the surface of the tooth’s roots. Due to the extensiveness of the cleaning that needs to be performed, deep cleaning treatments usually take more than a single appointment to complete. 

Schedule Your Dental Visit at Winter Park Today!

If it’s been a while since your last regular teeth cleaning session, you’ll need to see a dentist as soon as possible. Contact Dapper Dental to schedule your consultation today.

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